Parent Outreach
Mathematics Counts & Science Matters!
What is Mathematics Counts & Science Matters?
"Mathematics Counts & Science Matters" provides parents of children in grades K-8 with helpful resources they can use to support their child's math and science learning. All materials are written in parent-friendly language and include:
- Parent guides to essential mathematics and science concepts your child needs to learn at each grade
- Web resources and community resources, and more
The program partners with parents, schools, and community organizations to coordinate mathematics and science programs, and lays the foundation for success in school, and beyond school. The Mathematics Counts & Science Matters program supports new Michigan high school graduation requirements including four years of mathematics and three years of science.
Parents, you are the single greatest influence on your child. Believe it or not, your child is listening to you. Talk to your child about how important mathematics and science are to his or her future. Help your child set high goals and reach his or her highest potential. Remember, Mathematics Counts & Science Matters!
"Mathematics Counts & Science Matters" is developed by Michigan State University's PROM/SE (Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education). The program is funded by Michigan State University and the National Science Foundation.